Monday, November 29, 2010

What to ask for...

Well with Thanksgiving...both of them, it’s time to sit back think about what is next...CHRISTMAS!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to have our first Christmas, in our first place, with our first tree. Growing up I had asthma really bad so we never got a real tree. Well I’m older now and WE ARE GETTING A TREE!! Nothing too huge, but something that can fit in our living room. Lights, ornaments, (we already have a small collection) and an angel to top it all off.

The only problem...not sure what I want. I don’t have a list. Is this bad? There are large items like a Cannon Rebel T1I, a Range Rover, or just some new car, and a house. Maybe the camera doesn’t sound too bad after all.

I guess I have a few weeks to figure out this small dilemma. I’m just excited about the TREE and LIGHTS!

1 comment:

  1. You have a good list! No reason why you can't have them all. Hey, we all have jobs... it's possible :)
