Monday, March 1, 2010


HOLY GUACAMOLE! it's already March! We are getting married this month! Morgan and I have started moving in our stuff into our new townhouse this past the rain. It was a task let me tell you. But I absolutely love it. Morgan will be living there until we get married and I will be moving my stuff down little by little until the big day!

As far as the wedding goes, all the little things are left. We got the venue, the cake, the flowers, the outfits...let me tell you those were hard, and the invites are sent out. Wow I never thought that a wedding was so much work! But its almost over. I can't believe people do this for over a year! AH!

Ok off the wedding topic, I'm loving my job. I love the people that I get to work with. They truly want to help people and I absolutely love that I get to market them. And to be able to have this kind of job in this recession I have been sooo incredibly blessed. Not a lot of people get a job that they go to college for right out of college.

Well March Madness is now in full effect. I can't wait to see how it all goes. PRAY for no rain!!

1 comment:

  1. can it please be spring break yet?! Bring on the wedding!
